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Goal : increase your ROCA (Return on Content Access) by optimizing access to benchmark content related to your obligations, so as to:
- Reconnect with seldom used knowledge
- Clarify unknowns and grey areas
- Save time
Description : PDCAware is a digital service in the Cloud federating contents pertaining to obligations:
- private content owned by a site
- public content relevant to :
- an industry, sector or discipline (see tag table)
- a jurisdiction
- a language
Each user can at any time and in any location access these benchmark contents and propose an improvement in order to enrich the intellectual capital of his organization or of the overall community of PDCAware users.
Value levers :
- Sense making about an obligation based on an authoritative and continually improved content; when and where it’s needed
- Use workers’ intelligence and knowledge by empowering them to improve content in a secure and business-driven digital context
- Transparency on terms used in obligations favors common understanding and a teamwork conducive to right-sizing efforts to fullfil obligations
- No longer trade off between speed of access and relevance when searching for a specific notion pertaining to obligations
How can I get it ?
If you want to :
- Secure access to obligation-related content
- Mobilise collective intelligence
- Work more effectively